Waipara River Management Strategy
In 2007 a group of Waipara River landowners raised concerns with the Hurunui District Council that the Waipara River was not being managed sustainably. In order to rectify this, the community and Hurunui District Council worked together over several years to develop the Waipara River Management Strategy (WRMS). This document is a roadmap for preserving the unique characteristics of the river for the enjoyment of both current and future generations.
Mission Statement
"To ensure that the Waipara River is managed in a way that is environmentally sustainable while ensuring public access is maintained to areas of public interest."
This website is one of the outcomes of the management strategy. Here you will find what recreational activities can be enjoyed in different parts of the river, restrictions to those activities that protect the rights of land owners who own sections of the river under AMF rights as well as to protect the safety of all users and rare and endangered native plants and animals.
You will also find comprehensive information on the unique geology of the area. Did you know that the Waipara River is one of the few places in the world where you can see the K-Pg (formally the K-T) boundary, evidence of a comet that hit the Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs? There are fossils of huge marine reptiles inside giant 'geological pearls' known as concretions, as well as shells, the bones of ancient penguins, and teeth from enormous sharks.
The area near the mouth of the river is an important breeding ground for rare and endangered birds such as the wrybill, banded dotterel, bittern and black fronted tern. Along the upper tributaries are several vulnerable and endangered plant species.
There are also significant Maori cultural aspects including urupā (burial sites), waahi tapu (places of particular significance to local Māori that hold an element of sacredness), and waahi taonga (culturally, spiritually, physically and historically significant items) in close proximity to river.
Helga Rigg, Planner, Hurunui District Council: helga.rigg@hurunui.govt.nz
Sonny Whitelaw, Biodiversity, Hurunui District Council: biodiversity@hurunui.govt.nz